I18N Issue Remediation Service

Fidel provides a specialized service dedicated to resolving I18N issues that businesses encounter within their code during the internationalization code scan. This tailored service aims to assist companies in rectifying any internationalization issues detected within their coding structures. Through this service, Fidel aids businesses in addressing and fixing specific internationalization concerns unearthed during the code scanning process. The primary focus of this service is to offer comprehensive solutions for the identification and resolution of I18N-related problems present within the codebase. By leveraging Fidel’s expertise in this field, businesses can effectively tackle and rectify any internationalization issues that surfaced through the code scanning procedure, ensuring a more globally compatible codebase.

I18N Issue Remediation Service

I18N Code Scan Services

Comprehensive I18N Issue Remediation

Comprehensive I18N Issue Remediation

Our internationalization issue remediation service is comprehensive and covers all types of internationalization issues, including hard-coded strings, missing translations, incorrect formatting, incorrect encoding, and incorrect cultural conventions. We also have expertise in remediating more specific internationalization issues, such as incorrectly translated plurals, date and time formats, numbers, images, and videos.

Our tools

Expert Engineering Team

Our internationalization issue remediation team is composed of experienced engineers who have a deep understanding of software internationalization. We can quickly and accurately identify and fix internationalization issues in your code, regardless of the complexity of your project.

Prevent Technical Debt

Efficient and Cost-Effective

Our internationalization issue remediation service is efficient and cost-effective. We use a variety of tools and techniques to automate the remediation process, which helps us to save you time and money.

Benefits of I18N Issue Remediation

Remediating internationalization issues in your code can provide a number of benefits, including:

Improved quality of localized software

Improved quality of localized software:

By fixing internationalization issues, you can improve the quality of your localized software and make it more user-friendly for global users.

Increased customer satisfaction

Increased customer satisfaction:

Fixing internationalization issues can help you to improve customer satisfaction by providing a better user experience for global users.

Faster time to market

Faster time to market:

By fixing internationalization issues before releasing your software, you can get your localized products to market faster.

Reduced localization costs

Reduced localization costs:

Fixing internationalization issues early on can help you to reduce the costs of localization by avoiding rework and additional testing.

Our other Software Localization Engineering Services

Code Health Check (For I18N issues)

I18N Code Scans (I18N Code Health Check)

Customized scans tailored to your needs, minimizing false alarms, and preventing technical debt. Make your software truly global with our I18N code scans. Beyond scans, we offer expert consulting, GUI translation automation, and continuous localization support.

GUI Content Localization Services

Software GUI & Content L10N Service

Our comprehensive L10N service transforms your software’s UI and content into all target languages. Benefit from cultural adaptation, impeccable translations, and top-tier quality assurance. Expand your global market reach, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost brand reputation.

Localization Quality Assurance

L10N QA Engineering Service

Introducing our new L10N QA engineering service, delivering comprehensive testing across all aspects of localized software. Expert engineers ensure functional excellence, linguistic accuracy, and a seamless user experience. Boost customer satisfaction, reduce support costs, and safeguard your reputation.

AI Automation


Revolutionize your localization process with Fidel Softech’s AI-enabled Continuous Localization Automation (CLA). Benefit from swift and efficient localization, enhanced quality, faster market entry, and cost savings. Leverage AI and ML technologies to streamline your localization tasks.

Laravel Support and Maintenance

Machine Translation

Discover the power of Machine Translation (MT) – it’s come a long way! Enhance translation quality with our training, fine-tuning, and customization services. Gain better data control and uninterrupted access with our on-premise MT solutions. Let Fidel optimize your MT systems to meet your unique requirements.

Multimedia Localization Services

Multimedia Localization

Multimedia localization takes your videos, audio, and images to a global audience. We tailor visuals, text, and tone to your target audience. Our services include Audio Generation, Subtitle Generation, Data Labeling & Annotations. Enhanced accessibility, engagement, and performance. Trust Fidel for multimedia localization services.

Let’s get connect for your any Internationalization Issue Remediation related requirements

Connect with Fidel at +91-20-49007800 or write to us at sales@fidelsoftech.com to know more about our new Internationalization Issue Remediation Service and how we can help you to make your software more global.