Difference Between Software Support and Maintenance

Difference Between Software Support and Maintenance

Software support and maintenance are terms often used interchangeably. Although maintenance forms a subset of the broader software support, both these are distinct terms with unique aspects involved. Let’s look at some key differences between them.

What is Software Support?

It is a holistic term for various services and solutions that help users use software applications effectively and optimally. It is divided into different levels, including basic/customer support (Tier 1), technical support (Tier 2), developer support (Tier 3), and managed support and end-of-life support. Software support experts can provide these services via phone, email, or in-person.

  • Basic Support: General queries, installation guidance, and basic troubleshooting.
  • Technical Support (Tier 2): More complex issues like software bugs or compatibility problems.
  • Developer Support (Tier 3): Problems requiring technical expertise, often demanding code modifications or patch development.
  • Managed Support: Ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and software optimization through a service-level agreement (SLA).
  • End-of-Life Support: Limited support or updates after ending official support

What is Software Maintenance?

Software maintenance involves updating, modifying, and improving software after deploying it to ensure effective and optimal operations. The process usually includes fixing bugs, enhancing performance, and ensuring updates for compatibility. The process can also involve adding or changing features based on a company’s evolving requirements. Maintenance is usually done in four ways, including,

  • Corrective Maintenance: This involves fixing bugs and defects to improve functionality and resolve errors discovered by users or developers after deployment.
  • Adaptive Maintenance: Adaptive maintenance refers to updating software to make it compatible with new hardware, software platforms, or OS versions.
  • Perfective Maintenance: This process includes enhancing or modifying existing features to improve performance, usability, or efficiency, based on user feedback and the evolving market requirements.
  • Preventive Maintenance: This is part of a proactive approach that includes making improvements to prevent errors or performance issues, usually by refactoring code or updating security measures.

Software Support vs Software Maintenance – Key Differences

Here are some key differences between software support & maintenance.

DefinitionUser assistance provided to troubleshoot and resolve issuesUpdating and modifying software after deployment to fix issues and enhance the application’s performance
Main ObjectiveResolving user-reported problemsImproving software functionality, fixing bugs and driving improvements
Type of SupportReactive as it involves responding to issues as they surfaceProactive as it includes improving software stability and functionality
Frequency of SupportOn-demandPeriodic
Teams RequiredCustomer support teams and technical expertsDevelopment and engineering professionals
Duration of SupportShort-term until the issue is resolvedOngoing to ensure software compatibility, functionality and competence
CostUsually low and included with software licensingInvolves allocating a dedicated budget to keep the software application up and running
End ObjectiveResolving issues and improving user satisfactionIncrease software longevity and enhance its operational competence, aligning it with the evolving environment

While building a software application, opting for software support and maintenance services is usually recommended. It helps companies ensure the applications perform optimally and have someone to support them as and when problems arise. Ignoring this part and neglecting the application’s needs and evolving requirements can intensify issues and even render it redundant over a while.

Need Software Support and Maintenance Services?

We hope the above helped you get a basic idea. If you’ve been looking for comprehensive services, Fidel has got you covered. With over a decade of supporting companies with these services, Fidel has the experience and expertise to help you stay on top of your software and reap optimal value from it. Please email us at sales@fidelsoftech.com to explore more about our support and maintenance services for software.

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