Translation for the construction machinery sector – Case Study
About the Client:
The client is a Japan based construction machinery production company.
The client wants to extend its presence across the globe. So, they were looking for a localization partner who could assist them in the content translation from Japanese to English language of their User Manuals, Service Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, Technical documents, Service News, Brochures, etc. of various machinery.
Project details:
Service: Development, manufacturing, and overseas sales of construction machinery
Source language: Japanese
Target languages: English
Volume: more than 2.5 Million characters
Tools and technology used: Trados Studio
- The client wanted their User Manuals, Service Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, Technical documents, Service News, Brochures, etc., translated from Japanese to English language.
- Challenge was to translate machinery part words with the original meaning.
- Required to follow language rules and regulations.
Project Methodology:
Since the start the project has been done using Trados Studio. We have maintained and updated the project TM, TB through the years.Each project has gone through Translation + Revision + QA processes.
Translation & Revision is done using Trados Studio. A core team of translator/reviewers have worked on this content through the years. Linguistic/content related queries raised by linguists are sent to client for clarification/confirmation during the translation/revision process. Client replies are implemented in the translation before the final delivery. Any specific term changes are reflected in the TB, specific query replies are added to checklists if required.
QA is done using Xbench. We have created a project-specific Xbench checklist based on the client styleguide requirements and the checklist has been updated through the years following the suggestions received from the client.
- The client’s business revenue was increased because the project helped the client to establish their brand globally.
- Enhanced readability of client`s user and reference manuals.